Clarence Fahnestock State Park, NY


This loop hike in Clarence Fahnestock State Park forms a figure 8 with the 3 Lakes Trail (blue markers) and the Appalachian Trail (AT – white markers).  Starting from the Dennytown rod trailhead, follow the 3 Lakes trail north for .85 miles.  The trail goes onto Sunken Mine road for .2 miles where it enters back into the forest at a stream that flows from John Allen Pond.  There is a small waterfall on the left at the pond.

Continue for another 1.5 miles, passing Hidden Lake.  At 1.5 miles, the 3 Lakes trail crosses the Appalachian Trail.  Continuing on the 3 Lakes Trail, at .7 miles the trail joins a forest road and continues for another .75 miles until the trail ends on Route 301 across from Canopus Lake.  Turn left on Rot 301 for .2 miles to enter the forest on the left and the Appalachian Trail. In 1 miles, the AT crosses the 3 Lakes Trail (as previously mentioned).

Another 1.25 miles and the AT crosses Sunken Mine road.  Continuing on the AT for 1.6 miles where the trail crosses Dennytown road and at the trailhead where this loop started.

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