Moab, Utah




21 miles east of Moab on Rt 128. Make sure you pass the La Sal Mountain Loop road.


  • Sturdy hiking shoes
  • camera
  • water
  • food/snack

Hike Info:

Easy to follow trail with no obstructions.  Some exploration on slick rock along trail.

This is a fairly easy hike located a little over 20 miles east of Moab. Very few people venture this far out but it is a good hike to do in the morning to avoid the day time heat, especially if you are camping out Onion Creek. There is a camp ground here but no running water at Fisher Towers.  The hike is just over two miles long and is an in and out hike.  It is best to hike in the early morning during the summer and bring plenty of water.  If you have a filter, Onion creek in one mile before the towers entrance and you can filter or just bring enough from Moab.

The rock here is unique and resembles candle wax melting down the side of a candle stick.









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