Moab, Utah




From the intersection of Route 191 and Route 128, travel down Route 128 for 20 miles.  Onion Creek road is on the right.  It may be referred to as “BLM 100” some maps.  Turn right on to the dirt road and follow for about 5 miles.  The road will cross Onion Creek a number of times.  You can cross the bridge and look for a parking spot after that, or just before.  Space is limited.


  • Water shoes are helpful
  • Camera
  • water

Hike Info:

There is no specific trail.  Following the stream bed passes over the creek many times.  After rain, getting wet in unavoidable.

This is a good activity for those hot summer days so often experienced in the Moab area.  Onion Creek is located east of Moab along Route 128 and empties into the Colorado River nearby.  There is parking for only one or two vehicles at the  narrows.  A high clearance 4×4 is recommended to get to the narrows.  The dirt road crosses over the narrows and continues up canyon.



After parking, drop down into the stream which has a low flow in summer but good be higher after rain.  Do not enter if there is a threat of rain.  Follow the canyon upstream.  This area has amazing deep red rock cliffs and a few small spires.  One notable spire is called the “Totem Pole.”  Soon you will pass under a bridge for the road.  This is the most narrow of the canyon.  Continue as far as you like.  After about 5 minutes more, the canyon begins to open up again.  Return the way you came.

Mountain Bikes are permitted in the canyon.  It is common to ride the entire canyon.  The canyon floor is rocky and composed mostly of gravel in the narrows section.


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