Snow Canyon State Park, Utah



Directions: From St. George take state route 18 (Bluff Street) north to Snow Canyon Parkway.  This leads to the southern entrance of the park.  The parking area is just before the pay station on the left.


  • Map
  • Extra water
  • Sturdy hiking shoes
  • Hat
  • Sun screen
  • Camera

Hike Info:

Elevation gain:

Distance: 6.25 miles loop.


The parking area for this trail is just before Snow Canyon State Park’s southern entrance. The trail is at the left corner of the parking lot. Follow the trail around a butte through open desert. After you pass a ranch on the left, you begin to enter Padre Canyon. The trail is initially on the right side of the canyon’s dry wash, but it eventually crosses. It is difficult to decide which side to follow. The trail on the left side of the dry wash looks easier to follow, but there is a section further up that has washed out. You must go back on the trail and into the wash until you can find another way. The goal is to reach the obvious saddle. Once on top of the saddle, the trail is easier to find as you descend with great views of the Whiterocks area. The trail ends on the Three Ponds Trail. Return the way you came, or complete this as part of a loop with the Three Ponds Trail and Whiptail Trail.

Below is a loop hike using the Padre Canyon Trail, Three Ponds Trail and Whiptail Trail:


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